HERRYS magazine

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Zvonku extravagancia, zvnútra kvalita. Metropolis je vo finálnej rovinke, odhaľuje definitívnu podobu
Extravagance on the Outside, Quality on the Inside. Metropolis is in the Final Straight, Revealing its Definitive Form
Metropolis is one of the most striking projects in downtown, i.e. in the new center of Bratislava. However, it is not given by its height - in this respect it is lower than many surrounding projects. This is due to its shape in the form of a capital letter M. However, its developer, Mint Investments, wants to prove that its standard and quality will also be exceptional.Inside the Capital MProjects...
Metropolis prináša do Bratislavy kus Paríža či Londýna
Metropolis Brings a Piece of Paris or London to Bratislava
The trend of returning to living in the centers of metropolises is fully manifested in the Bratislava's downtown.High demand for lucrative housing in this district reflects what the city and its residents imagine under the term quality modern housing.Metropolis is an example: an intelligent and aesthetic project that adapts to the individual needs of its residents and their dreams.Metropolis is an...
success rate is 94%
The average sales time is only 1 month
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HERRYS magazín jar/leto 2019 HERRYS magazine
Real estate dictionary
Dopyt po nových bytoch sa odrazil od dna a už druhý kvartál po sebe rastie, najväčší záujem je o dvojizbové novostavby
Demand for new apartments has rebounded and been growing for the second consecutive quarter, with the greatest interest in two-bedroom new-builds
The number of new apartments sold increased by more than 100% compared to the same period last year.The average age of buyers has increased with the requirement for a greater proportion of own funds.The secondary market is on the rise again after 4 months.The supply on the rental market has increased; in April the average rental price in Bratislava was €1 023.Positive sentiment stemming fro...
Dopyt po nehnuteľnostiach opäť stúpa, kupujúci sú pripravenejší uzavrieť transakciu
Demand for real estate on the rise again, buyers more prepared to close a deal
Demand for property in Bratislava rose by 30% in January. Although the supply has slightly decreased, there are more buyers in the market. The biggest revival has been in the secondary market, with demand for houses and the cheaper and mid-market apartments growing. Bratislava could see similar growth in demand and prices on the new-build market in four to six years, as in the 2017-2021 period. Th...

New builds

Herrys inšpiruje slovenský realitný trh
Herrys reigns supreme in the Slovak real estate market
Herrys is reaping one award after another. After winning the prestigious CIJ Awards for the ninth time in the Best Local Real Estate Agency category, the agency also topped the Biggest in Business in the Real Estate Agency category.The Slovak Spectator publishes each December its Biggest in Business ranking, based on questionnaires completed by hundreds of respondent companies, it compiles a list ...
Viete, ako spoznať kvalitnú novostavbu a ísť pri kúpe na istotu?
Finding quality and certainty in Bratislava’s new-build market
Investing in an apartment requires thoughtful consideration, whether you’re looking for a home or you see an apartment primarily as an investment. There are many criteria to go by, but if they can be summed up in one word, it is quality.The key to making a sound decision comes down to appreciating the quality of the apartment – the craftsmanship, materials, and technology that will preserve an...
V Bratislave vyrastá projekt budúcnosti. Oslovuje kupujúcich s víziou, ktorí si uvedomujú zmysel zásadných hodnôt. Tými sú zdravie a čas
Bratislava has a project of the future rising in its midst. Buyers aware of importance of core values like health and time are attracted to its vision.
A project you cannot overlook in Bratislava. Two iconic towers have been built close to the centre, bringing, in addition to high standards in the materials used, state-of-the-art technology seldom seen in any other project. In this interview its developer Sebastien Dejanovski from Mint Investments talks about what the Metropolis residents can look forward to.1.  How did the name “Metr...
Realitné fórum: ESG zahŕňa aj sociálne faktory a riadenie
Real Estate Forum: ESG includes social factors and governance
The autumn real estate Forum looked at how anti-inflationary measures, a pending amendment to the Building Act, and ESG (environmental, social, and governance) priorities will affect construction speed and quality, as well as real estate pricing. Mastering ESG, especially environmental factors (E), offers a competitive advantage. Nevertheless, excelling in social factors (S) like resident comfort,...
Brno láka Slovákov na kúpu investičnej nehnuteľnosti
Brno attracts Slovaks in purchasing investment property
Czech real estate market has rebounded quicker than Slovakia’s. While the Slovak market has nearly lost all investment buyers, real estate in the neighbouring Czech Republic, especially in Brno, just a stone’s throw from Bratislava, is seeing growing numbers of Slovak buyers.The Czech real estate market has a lot in common with the Slovak one. However, while the Slovak real estate market has b...
Mint Investments: Rezidenčný projekt Metropolis urobí z bývania zážitok
Mint Investments: Discover the Future of Living at Metropolis
City living with a healthy home. Thanks to the residential project Metropolis you can both. The building brings tomorrow’s technology to residents today and with it the opportunity to maximise the use of their living space. Sebastien Dejanovski, a partner at the developer Mint Investments talks about the project’s progress as well as the exceptional technology and materials...
Najdrahšia novostavba v Bratislave ponúka top technológie: Za koľko v nej kúpite byt?
Bratislava’s most expensive new-build boasts cutting-edge technology. How much does an apartment there cost?
Bratislava’s Downtown district is home to some of Slovakia’s most lucrative properties. The Metropolis project might not be setting any height records, nevertheless it stands out with the highest apartment prices in the city centre. Far from deterring buyers, this seems to enhance its appeal.Two thirds soldOf the 292 apartments on offer, 65% have already found their new owners, with the pricie...
Byty v dokončených novostavbách sú lacnejšie o takmer 10 % v porovnaní s rozostavanými
Completed newbuild apartments are almost 10% cheaper than those under construction
The offer of newbuilds continues to expand, albeit only slightly. New projects come with higher quality.The average price of new apartments is just below €4000 per sqm excl. VAT and is growing yearly.The city quarter BA II reported the most apartments on offer, and also the strongest district in terms of sales of new apartments.The sale of newbuild apartments has seen a 48 % decrease against a y...
Keď sa rast cien vráti, bude ešte vyšší, ako ľudia očakávajú, hovorí developer Metropolisu
When price growth returns, it will surpass expectations, says Metropolis developer
Prague is less attractive than Bratislava, as everything there is UNESCO-protected, explains Sebastien Dejanovski, one of the partners of the Czech-Slovak company Mint Investments.In the world of comics, “Metropolis” is the city that is home to Superman, his allies, and his enemies. Today it takes on a new meaning – a landmark residential project in Bratislava. In the Downtown there is a res...
HERRYS vyberá: 4 TOP investičné príležitosti blízko za hranicami
HERRYS selects: 4 TOP investment opportunities just beyond the borders
Brno buzzes with a rich urban and academic life. Culture, concerts, professional conferences, sporting events, great bistros and quality cafés make up the vibrant atmosphere of this Moravian metropolis. What sets Brno apart, though, is the pervasive sense of student endeavour in this innovation hub. Over recent years, this city has become a desirable destination for study, life, and business.&nbs...
Metropolis sa blíži k dokončeniu
Metropolis is nearing completion
Construction of the Metropolis residential project in Bratislava’s Downtown is nearing completion. The last series of apartments will be added to the offer, while retail premises are also taking shape. These will offer services and amenities to Metropolis residents and the public. Construction is scheduled for completion in the first quarter of 2024; owners will be able to move in the autum...
Mint Investments: Stavbu budúcnosti si môžu rezidenti užiť už dnes
Mint Investments: Living in the future today
Metropolis brings a high standard of living not just in terms of architecture, but more importantly, in state-of-the-art technology that today’s buildings cannot compete with. The blend of timeless architecture with smart technology solutions and a perfect location is discussed by Sebastien Dejanovski, partner at Mint Investments.What makes Bratislava attractive for a Czech invest...
Stavebné pozemky v Hviezdoslavove nadobúdajú finálnu podobu
Building plots in Hviezdoslavovo take on their final shape
The Hviezdne Homes project is approaching the culmination of its construction phase. The rapidly developing location will gain plots with ideal sizes at attractive prices. Grasp this unique opportunity to build your dream home in a quiet, family-oriented community, in a location with complete infrastructure. Selecting the right building plot is the essential first step towards building the pr...
Hypotéky na investičné špekulácie z trhu takmer zmizli, ľudia kupujú byty na vlastné bývanie
Mortgages for investment speculation have virtually disappeared from the market; people are buying apartments for their own housing
Most Slovaks can afford to buy property even today, just perhaps not the one they aspire to. This is not so much because of higher interest rates, but rather the caps set by the National Bank of Slovakia, designed to protect the buyer from a disproportionate debt. As a result, many prospective homeowners will not achieve their dream home and are being forced to downgrade their expectations, observ...
Na trhu s nehnuteľnosťami nastala zmena. Dopyt však stále výrazne zaostáva za ponukou
Change in the property market. Demand still lags far behind supply
 Both prices and offer of apartments on the Bratislava’s residential secondary market have been stagnant for 4 months. Nevertheless, the current market behaviour does not suggest any further significant price drops. The supply-demand ratio has reversed with more apartments having been sold over the past year than came on the market. Despite a slight increase in the overall average price per...
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News in our offer

HERRYS - For rent smart 1 room apartment in Ružinov on Kvetná street
Studio | 33 m2
490 € /month
HERRYS - For rent 2 room apartment in the city center on Dunajská street.
1-bedroom apartme... | 37 m2
550 € /month
Real estate agency HERRYS offers for rent a modern 2-room apartment in the Villa Rustica project 
1-bedroom apartme... | 43 m2
730 € /month
Real estate agency HERRYS offers for rent a modern and brand new 2-bedroom apartment in a timeless new building GUTHAUS.
1-bedroom apartme... | 71 m2
700 € /month
HERRYS - For rent new and fully furnished 2-bedroom apartment in new building SLNEČNICE POP
1-bedroom apartme... | 51 m2
620 € /month
HERRYS - For rent 2 bedroom apartment with an exceptional view of the castle in SKY PARK
1-bedroom apartme... | 50,35 m2
1 025 € /month
HERRYS - Air-conditioned 2-room apartment with loggia for sale
1-bedroom apartme... | 41,19 m2
125 000 €
HERRYS - For rent 3-bedroom apartment in a new building with parking space
2-bedroom apartme... | 68,11 m2
900 € /month
HERRYS - For sale cozy 2-room apartment after complete reconstruction, Rača
1-bedroom apartme... | 52,96 m2
175 000 €
HERRYS - For sale modern 1 room apartment for investment in new building ZWIRN close to Dulovo 
Studio | 43,95 m2
260 000 €
HERRYS - Garage for rent in the project Bezručova Residence
Garages and parki... | 12 m2
180 € /month
HERRYS, For rent new and cozy 3 bedroom apartment with parking space in unique ZWIRNE 
2-bedroom apartme... | 69 m2
1 100 € /month
HERRYS - For sale cozy 2 room apartment on Vígľašská street in Petržalka
1-bedroom apartme... | 36,24 m2
140 000 €
HERRYS - Na predaj slnečný 2 izbový byt s veľkou loggiou a parkovaním v cene
1-bedroom apartme... | 68,30 m2
230 000 €
HERRYS - For sale cozy 2 room apartment in project III Towers with view to green backyard
1-bedroom apartme... | 53,49 m2
210 000 €
HERRYS - For sale 2 bedroom apartment with a unique view
1-bedroom apartme... | 47,99 m2
195 000 €
HERRYS - For rent 2 room fully furnished apartment in new project Eurovea II
1-bedroom apartme... | 60 m2
1 250 € /month
HERRYS - Na predaj priestranný 2 izbový byt s loggiou a balkónom v zelenej lokalite Ružinov - Pošeň
1-bedroom apartme... | 64,67 m2
210 000 €