HERRYS magazine

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Na oceneniach CIJ Awards 2022 zabodoval projekt Metropolis, aj RK HERRYS
Great results at the CIJ Awards 2022 for both the Metropolis project and HERRYS real estate agency
This year’s prestigious CIJ Awards have been given out, with Herrys real estate agency winning for the ninth time now in the Best Local Real Estate Agency category. The award for the best residential upcomming development of the year went to Metropolis by Mint Investments, which is currently under construction.In the 18th year of the CIJ Awards HERRYS real estate agency was confirmed as the mark...
Prenajímanie nehnuteľnosti má svoje úskalia, niekedy sa oplatí staviť na skúsenosti odborníkov na trhu
Renting real estate has its pitfalls, sometimes it pays to lean on the experience of market experts
Rents in the capital are experiencing a boom in demand. The market is seeing the return of a group of customers absent due to the pandemic for nearly two years, i.e. foreign workers. Today, the purchase of real estate for renting it out is beneficial for the client but comes with a number of pitfalls and requires a high degree of commitment. HERRYS real estate agency therefore brings a solution in...
success rate is 94%
The average sales time is only 1 month
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Real estate dictionary
Byty lacnejšie nebudú. Prinášame vám rozhovor s F. Žoldákom pre REFRESHER
Apartments will not be cheaper. We are bringing you an interview with F. Žoldák made for REFRESHER
“I remember the times when one-bedroom apartments cost 50 to 70 thousand euros. Today a parking space costs as much,” says the real estate analyst. Apartment prices in Bratislava are constantly rising. It could easily be said that apartments in Bratislava will never be cheaper, which is both bad and good. A real estate bubble to be burst is not yet a reality. Herrys partner, Filip Žoldák, in...
Počet prenajatých nehnuteľností stúpol, záujem bol o menšie byty. Dopyt po prenájmoch neutíchne ani v tomto roku
Rentals growing, with interest focused on smaller apartments. Demand for rentals to remain strong again this year
The number of rental transactions in Bratislava concluded via HERRYS real estate agency increased by 10% last year. This testifies to the unending demand for rentals in the capital, especially for two-room apartments, alongside growing interest in flatlets. Most rentals were made in the district of Bratislava I. According to HERRYS representatives, this trend will continue again this year. &nb...

New builds

Hypotéky budú aj v roku 2022 stále za vynikajúcich podmienok. Dôležitá bude voľba správnej fixácie
Mortgage conditions will remain excellent in 2022. Choosing the right fixed-rate period will be all-important
The interest rate set by the European Central Bank is, according to current statements from the central bank, to remain at its minimum. Mortgage specialist Eva Špaňová reckons that this is good news for those who are still postponing the purchase of real estate, as this may change in the near future. She also advises clients who already have a mortgage, as well as those still only consider...
Nová situácia nás inšpiruje rozmýšľať inak. Dôležité bude mať neustály prehľad o trhu, vidieť  príležitosti a zvoliť správnu stratégiu
The new situation is prompting us to think differently. It will be all about having a constant overview of the market, seeing opportunities, and choosing the right strategy
What will be the situation on the real estate market in 2022? Filip Žoldák from RK Herrys talks about the trends that will influence our thinking on investments and real estate. We will all be facing several challenges, but history shows that a new situation forces people to be more creative and look for new solutions. And this will almost always be reflected in society’s further progress....
Investícia do apartmánu môže byť jednou z ciest k bývaniu v atraktívnej lokalite, v centre mesta.  Právnik radí, čo je potrebné všímať si pri kúpe
Investing in a studio flat can be one of the paths to living at an attractive location in the city centre. A lawyer advises what to look out for when buying
Bratislava centre, especially the new downtown and its surroundings, are becoming increasingly attractive for life and living, but the offer of real estate at these locations does not satisfy market needs. One of the reasons is the limitations of the city’s zoning plan, setting out how much space there should be for housing and how much for civic amenities. Nevertheless, the city’s act...
Plánujete kúpu nehnuteľnosti na bývanie? Správajte sa ako investor
Are you planning to buy a residential property? Then act like an investor
Delaying the purchase of a property in the capital city can be very costly, given that the prices have been increasing in the long term. In certain city districts, these prices rose by up to 33% in the course of the year. Despite this fact, more than 89% of potential buyers plan to buy their property within 3 to 12 months or are in no rush to buy at all. Only 10% of potential buyers are actually w...
Dopyt po bytoch stúpa, ponuka starých aj nových bytov sa neustále zmenšuje
Demand for apartments is rising, while the supply of new and old is constantly falling
Buyers in the capital are steadily driving up demand for apartments, due mainly to rising prices. The supply of available apartments in new buildings, including the secondary market, fell by 14% against the second quarter according to transactions figures from the Herrys real estate agency.   The constant growth in real estate prices in Bratislava has caused a panic increase in demand, ...
Najväčší záujem o prenájom bytov v Q3 je v Starom meste
Greatest interest in apartment rentals in Q3 is in the Old Town
Despite the unusual situation caused by the pandemic, the real estate agency Herrys has, over the first three quarters of this year, aranged more apartment rentals than ever before. Even though the real estate prices are still growing, the quarter-on-quarter rise in rental prices is minimal and is currently stagnating. The data comes from the Herrys’ concluded leases and their transactions. ...
Realitná kancelária HERRYS spúšťa online prieskum o bývaní. Cieľom prieskumu je zistiť preferencie kupujúcich a prispieť k zlepšeniu kvality bývania v BRATISLAVE a okolí
Real estate agency HERRYS launching an online survey about housing. The aim of the survey, is to find out the preferences of buyers and contribute to improving the quality of housing in BRATISLAVA and its surroundings
The housing market is undergoing constant changes. In the last 10 years, 31,000 properties in new buildings have been sold in Bratislava. The current price exceeded for 4,000 euros per square meter. However, does the current offer meet the quality requirements of current buyers? Does the asking price reflect the demanded standard? The purpose of the survey, which is launched by the real estate age...
Rezidenčný projekt Byty Bystrická 2. je čerstvo právoplatne skolaudovaný a teší sa na nových majiteľov
The Byty Bystrická 2. residential project has just been validly approved and is looking forward to new owners
The summer on Bystrická Street in Devínská Nová Ves will be carried in the spirit of a big move. At the beginning of this week, the approval decision of the Byty Bystrická 2 residential project came into force, thus successfully completing the construction of the residential developer's building - Byty Opletalova, s.r.o .. The project was assigned an inventory number. The BYTY BYST...
Projekt Seberiniho úspešne dokončený
Seberini's project successfully completed
The project of a multifunctional building on Seberíniho Street is entering the final phase. The building approval went according to plan and the three detached apartment buildings were gradually switched on by the new owners. Even before the start of official sales, more than 60% of housing units were sold. The exclusive seller of the project was the real estate agency HERRYS. Ing. Štefan Koluš...
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The key benefit of Rent Management is the continuous occupancy of an apartment or house. We ensure long-term and repeated occupancy of your rented property.

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News in our offer

HERRYS offers for rent a brand new 3-room apartment near Vápenický potok in Záhorská Bystrica
2-bedroom apartme... | 80,19 m2
1 200 € /month
HERRYS offers for rent a brand new 2-room apartment near Vápenický potok in Záhorská Bystrica
1-bedroom apartme... | 64,41 m2
900 € /month

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